Sentinel Reward (UPPreward)

Terms and Conditions of Use

These Sentinel Reward (“UPPreward”) Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”) set forth the terms and conditions between Uppsala Pte Ltd (“Company”) and Users regarding the use of Sentinel Points (“Points”).


1.1. Users may use Points by agreeing to these Terms. Users are deemed to have given their effective and irrevocable consent to these Terms by acquiring or using Points.
1.2. By agreeing to these Terms, Users are deemed to have given their consent to that the provisions of the Uppsala Terms and Conditions of Use (which Uppsala Security (“Uppsala”) separately has set forth), under which Services related to Points (“Points Services”) are deemed to fall under the “Service”, shall apply or apply mutatis mutandis. Thereby, the provisions of both the Uppsala Terms and Conditions of Use and these Terms shall apply or apply mutatis mutandis to using Points. If there are any conflicts between the Uppsala Terms and Conditions of Use and these Terms with respect to Points Services, these Terms shall prevail. Unless otherwise provided, the terminology used in these Terms shall be in accordance with the Uppsala Terms and Conditions of Use.


2.1. Users are required to create an account (“Sentinel Account”) on made available applications on mobile, web-based or other applications (collectively, the “Sentinel Platform”) and related services provided by Uppsala Security when Users use the Points Services.
2.2. Users may delete their Sentinel account and withdraw from using the Sentinel Platform and related services at any time. Uppsala may delete a User's Sentinel account in accordance with the provisions of the Uppsala Terms and Conditions of Use. Please note that if a User’s Sentinel account is deleted, Points stored in such Sentinel account shall also be deleted.
2.3. The Company and Uppsala shall not be responsible for any damages Users may incur even in cases where Users’ Sentinel accounts or Points are deleted.


3.1. All rights pertaining to Points (including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights) shall be owned by the Company, the group companies of the Company and the third parties granting such rights to the Company. Users may use Points to the extent usage rights are granted by the Company pursuant to these Terms.


4.1. Users may acquire Points by completing a specific action (“Action”) in a Company-designated service, or by completing an Action prescribed in advance by a business operator entering into a contract with the Company related to advertising distribution (“Advertiser”). For the avoidance of doubt, if a User takes an Action of paying money or other consideration for a specific service and is granted Points, such money or other consideration is paid only for receiving such service and not for acquiring Points. Users can confirm their available balance of Points in the Sentinel Platform.


5.1. Detailed conditions, such as the specific contents of an Action, the number of Points to be granted, and other conditions related to the acquisition of Points, are individually stipulated by the Company, Business Partners or Advertisers (“Point Partners” hereafter shall refer to both Business Partners and Advertisers). Users shall consent to the detailed conditions before performing Actions to acquire Points.
5.2. If an Action is canceled or Users do not meet the requirements for acquiring Points, or even if Users complete an Action required for acquiring Points but the Company or Point Partners determine that such Action has been executed by a misconduct or in any inappropriate manner (including but not limited to cases where Users try to acquire Points for reselling or commercial purposes), the Company or Point Partners may decide not to grant Points or cancel all or some of the Points that have already been granted (“Granted Points”), or take any other necessary measures.
5.3. In the case where the necessary measures set forth in 5.(2) are taken, if the Granted Points have already been consumed, the Company may, in a manner the Company designates, take a necessary measure such as cancelling the amount equivalent to the Granted Points from the other Points owed by Users, instead of cancelling the Granted Points. If the Company, as a necessary measure, requests Users to make to the Company a certain payment in a manner that the Company designates, Users shall immediately make such payment.
5.4. Granted Points may be exchanged for UPP token (which shall have the meaning as provided in the and Conditions of Use). Generally, used Points will not be returned to the User, and transactions related to the use of Points will not be canceled nor will Points refunds be issued.
5.5. When using Points, Users shall follow the procedures stipulated on the Sentinel Platform where Points may be used. (Please see the FAQ on this website for more information on using Points. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and the FAQ, these Terms shall prevail.).
5.6. Detailed conditions, the number of Points needed to acquire UPP Token, the value of UPP Token received, the terms of validity, usage conditions, and the time required for exchanging Points to UPP Token, shall differ from time to time due to market values of UPP Token. Users shall consent to the said detailed conditions before completing exchange procedures.


6.1. The Company grants Users the right to use Points Services as long as Users do not perform any act prohibited in Article of the Uppsala Terms and Conditions of Use or any of the items listed below.
  • 6.1.1. Acts that may lead to fraud or other crimes.
  • 6.1.2. Acts that unjustly use the Company’s or a third party’s equipment or facilities, or that hinders management or operation of equipment or facilities.
  • 6.1.3. Acts that consolidate Points stored in multiple Sentinel accounts into a single Sentinel account.
  • 6.1.4. Acts that utilize multiple Sentinel accounts to unjustly obtain Points.
  • 6.1.5. Acts that input false information when a User takes an Action.
  • 6.1.6. Acts that exchange Points for cash, goods, or other economic benefits in a way other than those designated by the Company.
  • 6.1.7. Acts that fraudulently collect, disclose, or provide personal information, registration information, usage history information, etc. of others.
  • 6.1.8. Acts that use the Points Services in a way exceeding the normal range, such as repeating the same or similar acts.
  • 6.1.9. Acts that assist or promote acts that fall under any of the above.
  • 6.1.10. Any other acts that the Company or Point Partners otherwise deem inappropriate.
6.2. If a User’s Sentinel account is suspended on the grounds that the User has performed an unjustified act (including but not limited to the items included in clause 6(1)), such User accounts will be restricted with respect to using or obtaining Points. In such cases, the Company shall not be responsible for any damages Users may incur.
6.3. The Company reserves the right to modify the Points Services in whole or in part, or cease the provision of Points or services related to Points at any time, without any prior notice to Users and at the Company's sole discretion. In such cases, the Company shall not be responsible for any damages Users may incur.
6.4. Rights to Points shall not be succeeded to another person, and Points shall not be transferred, loaned or pledged as collateral to any other party.


7.1. The Company places the highest priority on Users’ privacy. Our handling of Users’ private and personal information shall be in accordance with the Uppsala Terms. In order to grant Points for the Points Service, the Company will obtain information to confirm if the designated application is installed and activated on the device. In addition, the Company and Sentinel may transfer User personal information (advertising identifiers, session identifiers, or names, phone numbers, email addresses, account numbers or other information that a User inputs at the time he/she wishes to exchange Points for UPP Token, point balance) both to and from Point Partners when and to the extent necessary to identify the User in order to perform the necessary Point operations, such as Point provision and exchange, in conjunction with the specific Point Partners. Whether to provide the Company and the Point Partners with the personal information is optional. Users, however, are deemed to have acknowledged that, by choosing not to transfer certain personal information, a part or all of the Service may become inaccessible due to the Service's operational requirements.


8.1. If the Company determines that a User has acquired or used Points in a way that violates the Terms, the Company may suspend the User’s usage of Points or take other measures that the Company considers necessary or appropriate. However, the Company shall not bear any obligation to prevent or correct such violations.
8.2. If the Company suffers loss, damage or is charged an expense (including but not limited to legal fees) directly or indirectly (including cases where the Company is sued for damages by a third party) due to the use of the Point by Users, Users shall immediately compensate the Company upon request.


9.1. The Company does not guarantee in any way, whether expressly or implicitly, that Points Services are free from legal or any other defects or flaws (including but not limited to defects relating to stability, reliability, accuracy, integrity, effectiveness, or fitness for certain purposes, as well as security-related faults, errors, bugs, or rights infringements). The Company shall not be responsible for providing Points Services without such defects.
9.2. The Company shall bear no responsibility for any damage or other disadvantage Users may incur as a result of an Action Users perform.
9.3. Users shall prepare their own communication devices or technology equipment needed for using Points Services. Users shall bear responsibility for any tax or any costs that arise in relation to Point acquisition, Point usage, acquisition of Exchanged Goods or the use thereof, if any.
9.4. The Company shall bear no responsibility for any damages Users incur in relation to or as a result of the use of Business Partner or Advertiser contents, advertisements, products or services, or the acquisition, use or inability to use UPP Token.
9.5. The Company shall not be responsible for any damages Users may incur even in cases where User Points are fraudulently used by third parties.


10.1. The Company may modify these Terms at any time without prior notice to Users as it deems necessary. Modified Terms shall take effect from the time when they are posted in the Sentinel Platform and website of the Company, and Users are deemed to have provided their effective and irrevocable consent to the modified Terms by acquiring or continuing to use Points after the modifications.
10.2. If the Company changes these Terms based on the provisions of this Article, the Company shall notify Users or display that these Terms will be changed, the contents of these Terms after the change, the effective date of these Terms after the change, and other matters by announcing on the website of the Company or Sentinel Platform, or on “Notification” on the Sentinel App, sending a message to Users’ Sentinel account or other means.


11.1. Users represent and affirm that Users, their representatives, officers, parties that substantially hold the right of management, employees, agents, and mediators ("Concerned Parties") are not now or hereafter organized crime groups, organized crime group members, associate members of organized crime groups, companies associated with organized crime groups, groups engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns or politically branded racketeering persons or organizations, crime groups specialized in intellectual crimes, those who have close relationship therewith, and/or those that are similar thereto ("Antisocial Force(s)").
11.2. Users affirm that Users and their Concerned Parties do not undertake the following acts directly or indirectly.
  • 11.2.1. Making violent demands
  • 11.2.2. Making unreasonable demands beyond the scope of legal responsibility
  • 11.2.3. Undertaking business transactions in a manner that involves menacing words or deeds, or violent acts (including, but not limited to communication to the effect that Users or their Concerned Parties are Antisocial Forces)
  • 11.2.4. Damaging the credibility of the Company by disseminating rumors, through fraudulent means, or by force, or hindering services of the Company
  • 11.2.5. Undertaking other actions that are similar to those described in any of the previous Items of this Paragraph
11.3. In case that it has been revealed that Users have breached the representations or affirmations stipulated under the preceding two Paragraphs, the Company may suspend provision of Points Services by terminating the Terms without the need for any notification. Even if some damage has been caused to Users arising from the aforementioned termination, the Company shall not assume any responsibility therefor to Users.


Users hereby agree that in the event the Company transfers a part of its business relating to the Points Services, the Company may transfer its title, rights and obligations under these Terms in addition to Registration Information and other Users data to the transferee. Transfer of business as provided for in this paragraph shall include general successions including mergers and company splits where the Company is being absorbed or split.


The governing language of the Terms shall be English, and the substantive laws of Singapore shall govern these Terms. Any disputes between Users and the Company which may arise out of, in connection with, or in relation to Points Services, shall be governed under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore State Court and Supreme Court.

Last updated on 2nd Apr 2020

Uppsala Pte Ltd